Anna Wilding . Moving and leading between Creative Mediums. Key Skills


Anna Wilding – Moving between Mediums Key Skills Of A Creative

Anna Wilding There are many ways to either tell a story , or , as an artist, to be creative. I have a diverse body of work with certain subtexts and themes prevalent. These subtexts and themes are what drives me and compels me. I discuss these when my work is being screened or in art gallery shows or when speaking at events or panels. The mediums I use however, to deliver the work, can be varied.That may be unusual however for me it works as I like pushing boundaries creatively and technically .

Anna Wilding – Moving between Mediums Key Skills Of A Creative

One thing I learned based at the White House , coming from a feature film background and then moving back into still photography – where I was first published as a teenager in magazines, was that, as creator, it didn’t matter what medium I choose or end up telling the story in or creating the piece of artwork. That is part of my process.

For example, creating my Obama NFT’s has been a riveting experience on it’s own and certainly resulted in some stunning pieces that serve the purpose of my doing the work in the first place. NFT’s are non fungible tokens which some fine art and digital artists are using to create unique works of art that are tied to the blockchain as identifiers. Something like that. Many new platforms are setting up to sell these tokens and some platforms now even take credit cards, not only cryptocurrency , which means the art is now accessible to many collectors, including those not involved in the crypto market.

The crypto market is often in flux as the world learns more how to use and apply the new technology amd through all its trials and tribulations. Prices are going up and down so it is not great for medium to conservative investors. This article is by no means to be construed as any kind of advice whether to get involved in these new markets. One thing of concern is the environmental concerns in bitcoin mining . Many are working hard to figure out a better way and there are some promising signs.

Anna Wilding – Moving between Mediums Key Skills Of A Creative

Elon Musk recently caused a stir in the world by converting millions of his Tesla stock to bitcoin,then after learning more of enroimnemtal issues – converting it back to normal currency. Elon Musk said on twitter “When there’s confirmation of reasonable (~50%) clean energy usage by miners with positive future trend, Tesla will resume allowing bitcoin transactions,” Musk posted to Twitter, replying to a Cointelegraph piece . This news caused the bitcoin price to dip sharply..but then a few weeks later, he caused it to rise when he expressed belief that more responsible environmental management and positive development was happening and environmental cryptocurrency is being developed.

It is still a very new space and it will be interesting to see what develops. Hold onto your wallets no matter which kind of currency you use..traditional or new. But remember to support art, artists love their work being collected and art collecting can be great and very personal adventure. Be safe everyone.


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