
Showing posts from July, 2021

Anna Wilding . Moving and leading between Creative Mediums. Key Skills

  Anna Wilding – Moving between Mediums Key Skills Of A Creative Anna Wilding There are many ways to either tell a story , or , as an artist, to be creative. I have a diverse body of work with certain subtexts and themes prevalent. These subtexts and themes are what drives me and compels me. I discuss these when my work is being screened or in art gallery shows or when speaking at events or panels. The mediums I use however, to deliver the work, can be varied.That may be unusual however for me it works as I like pushing boundaries creatively and technically . Anna Wilding – Moving between Mediums Key Skills Of A Creative One thing I learned based at the White House , coming from a feature film background and then moving back into still photography – where I was first published as a teenager in magazines, was that, as creator, it didn’t matter what medium I choose or end up telling the story in or creating the piece of artwork. That is part of my process. For example, creatin...

Anna Wilding : Exhibiting in Art Galleries and Celebrate Hope President Obama Collection exhibit

  Anna wilding   love visiting art galleries. I make a point of it every city I am in. I have an art collection I am growing every year. Conversely it has been an honor to start having my bodies of work selected by  galleries   for exhibit. My feature films such as Buddha Wild  play in cinemas at times, and my   music videos   play on various platforms like VH1 , MTV but there is something special and unique about holding an art exhibit that personally I cherish. Anna Wilding : Exhibiting in Art Galleries I have been fortunate to show at three galleries as a solo exhibitor – month long shows  such as Celebrate Hope and the Leica Gallery as part of group exhibits and now live auctions on platforms such as Makers Place and Super Rare. As we head into 2021 shows that were cancelled due to the pandemic are now back in talks for 2021 and 2022 including in Europe.I am even more fortunate and thankful that work has sold at each Gallery by amazing col...

Toxic male bullying and jealous men - & yes there are good men too...this isn't one of them

Anna Wilding What women isn't sick of being bullied by toxic men in the workplace, online and elsewhere? Men tearing women down out of pure jealously and hate.  UNESCO recently completed a report showing that men tearing down successful women and form within , in their own professions, is happening at an alarming rate. I will add that link later. Recently I called out a fanatic who has been doing it to me online and inciting his online pack.  He has been doing it for three years..I finally called him out below after 3 years.. I spare myself the indignity  of reading his blog but I hear about it and seeing the fake misleading headlines. He has nothing on me, like other women, I have done nothing wrong. He prides himself on creating misery and has a history of doing so.. In this instance he is a kiwi and kiwi men have a long standing history of old school  chauvenism,  misogny  and politically tearing into ex pats -in spite of a female prime minister.I final...

Anna Wilding on Filming and photographing President Barack Obama and fomrer First Lady Mrs Michelle Obama

  Anna Wilding   The thing with tabloids and other sites they engage in not telling the truth to drive engagement. A great shame as great, real stories do not get out. So here are some fast facts that correct a tabloid headline. I have long said, for years, it was an honor photographing the Obama's and I exhibit my work to this day. Mesmerize by Anna Wilding and Celebrate Hope.   However I never did plan to sue the Obama's for copying one of my photographs for President Barack Obama's book. As both one of the top magazines in   Europe   -the Georgian Journal who interviewed me about it,  and American Slate magazine so rightly noted, I did not threaten to sue the Obamas publishers over Obama’s book cover. Nor did I ever say I would, nor was I even thinking about it. The fact I put out an instagram post pointing out the likeness of both photographs, does not mean I planned to sue. Why on earth would I do that ?Those words never uttered my lips. Makes no sens...

Anna Wilding- on Captain Anthony Wilding tennis legend - Wimbledon Winner 1910 -1914

  Anna Wilding   : I was just sent this   article   As we watch   Wimbledon  let us remember some of it’s history as we look forward. May 9, 1915: The day Anthony Wilding, the first tennis superstar, was killed in World War I and my forbear. I am now his closest is interesting-as my name grew in the world for my own work then some smart broadcasters in in America Europe noticed I may be related. My late Dad was his closest surviving relative, and he passed the baton to me.   Anthony Wilding  had no children.He dated and lived with silent screen star Maxine Elliot. In those days sports was not paid professionally.I am the one who protects his legacy .I have also done most of the research throughout the world. Yes it would be great to make a film. Some quotes from the article “However, no matter how outstanding his results were, Anthony  Wilding  didn’t become a legend only because of his success at tennis, but also because o...

Anna Wilding on food as fuel for still editorial photographers, directors, filmmakers

  Anna Wilding    This subject matter is a bit off the beaten track for me, but it is what I do in my day to day life as a photographer and director . I do get asked this. In the  film business  I was working 12-18 hour days and at one point did 72 hours straight. I will never forget that. I was Art Director and Set Decorator and my business partner and colleague Production Designer was Jack C . We had some  ridiculous hurdles to cross including absurd time frames for set designs and builds. We met all of them of course ,with little to no sleep for 10 days, as that is just what one did in those days. Exhausting . All sorts of things come up in production. On another film we were filming on set in Los Angeles but the rest of the movie had shot in Asia. The movie used Asian coconuts which could not be sourced in Los Angeles. At 2am as we frantically tried to build a replica coconut, as it was an important scene . Funny but true.T...

Anna Wilding on Founding a non profit and philanthropy

   Anna Wilding   Charitable giving most of the work I do has an altruistic bent. Years ago, in 2009 I founded a registered non profit- the   Wilding Foundation . I closed it around 2018 as I was unable to spend the time in overseas to focus on it.As a registered charity its overall unique official charter -as written in 2009, was to provide opportunity to those of exceptional talents whose dreams, hopes and talents could otherwise not be realized due to economics, geographic location or other such factors. It intended to raise the well being of, and empower the individual and create equal opportunity and to give people faith, hope and opportunity to individuals of all backgrounds to succeed regardless of circumstance. The dream of this charity was personal to me for many reasons. Anna Wilding Charitable Giving Many years ago, I was that kid on the tennis court, taking that swing, making those shots and I was unable to take it any further. I was invited to train in F...

Buddha Wild Directed by Anna Wilding -feature documentary film

  Anna Wilding   Buddha Wild  was a   great movie to make   and I am still in touch with the community. It is a happy film about Loving Kindness but also has several other sub texts. I live in America. Recently there has been a lot of talk about racism in America and against Asians.This was the subtext of my   Buddha Wild   film ten years or so ago. I was compelled to make it due to an instance of racism I witnessed overseas in New Zealand.   Buddha Wild   did well in cinemas and sold out through Warner Bros on DVD. It went to #1 in its feature documentary category . In a way it was ahead of it’s time. I was called the female “Morgan Spurlock” as it did well in cinemas and we both are not without humor.. It also marked only the 100th time a   female director   had a film screen in cinemas for more than 7 days. Yes there are research universities that track these sorts of things. I remember Hollywood Reporter did these great ads for ...